İçeriğe geç

September 2013

Original Article

Serum Copeptin Levels and its Relation with Other Inflammatory Markers in Acute Exacerbation of COPD

Mehmet Atilla Uysal1 , Nebibe Bekar2 , Ersin Demirer3 , Mehmet Sancak1 , Veysel Yılmaz1 1

1 Yedikule Hospital for Chest Diseases and Thoracic Surgery Educational and Training Hospital, Istanbul, 2 Sinop Atatürk State Hospital, Sinop, 3 Department of Pulmonary Diseases, GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.21


Aim: Copeptin has been introduced as an inflammation marker in recent years. The role of copeptin as an inflammation marker in short term period of Acute Exacerbation of COPD (AECOPD) has not yet been well demonstrated. We aimed to investigate the course of copeptin and it’s correlation with other inflammatory markers in AECOPD during hospitalization. Material and Method: Forty-six AECOPD patients (42 male, 4 female) were included in the study. Blood leukocyte count, C- Reactive Protein (CRP), Brain Natriuretic Protein (BNP) and copeptin levels were measured on days 0, 3, 7 and 14, respectively. Results: Mean age of the patients was 65±10 years. Copeptin median levels were 129.8, 170.8, 235.6, 338.4 pmol/L on days 0, 3, 7 and 14, respectively. CRP median levels were 3.42, 1.65, 0.73 and 1.15 mg/L, respectively. Serum BNP median values were 97, 88, 43 and 2.5 U/L, respectively. Copeptin and CRP, leukocyte count and BNP during the study period were not significantly associated. Discussion: In this study we observed that serum copeptin levels were increasing in contrast to decrease in leukocyte, CRP and BNP levels during AECOPD. As no correlation was observed between copeptin and other markers we think that copeptin may not be an early inflammation marker of AECOPD contrary to other reports in literature.


Copeptin; COPD; Acute Exacerbation

Corresponding Author: Ersin Demirer, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, GATA Haydarpaşa Training Hospital, Selimiye Mah. Tibbiye Cad. 34668 Uskudar, Istanbul. Turkey.

How to Cite: Mehmet Atilla Uysal, Nebibe Bekar, Ersin Demirer, Mehmet Sancak, Veysel Yilmaz. Serum Copeptin Levels and its Relation with Other Inflammatory Markers in Acute Exacerbation of COPD. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): 50-5.
 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

Assessing Young University Students’ Behaviour Regarding Age Discrimination

Ayşegül Koç1, Rasime Yıldırım2, Maşide Gürcü3, Duygu Vefik Uluçay4

1 Yıldırım Beyazıt University, Ankara, 2 Kastamonu University, Kastamonu, 3 Bozok University, Yozgat, 4 Mersin University, Mersin, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.11


Aim: Ageism is the reflection in the behaviors of a mature person’s attitudes; he develops without considering any variable. Old age, like the other stages of life, is an inevitable condition applicable to all human beings. This crosssectional and comparative study aims to assess the attitudes of the students from two universities located in two different parts of Turkey towards old age, and to determine the relevant factors. Material and Method: In the current study planned to be comparative and cross-sectional, students attending universities in the provinces of Yozgat and Kastamonu constituted the universe. The study has been completed, without any sampling method, with the participation of all the students reachable. It was completed between March 2012 and April 2012, before the end of the academic year. Sociodemographic features forms and ageism attitude scale (AAS) have been used to collect data. For statistical analyses, use was made of means, standard deviations, medians, maximum and minimum values, percentages, one way Anova test and independent t-test. Results: It has been found in the study that the median of the students’ total AAS scores was 72.29 (min=37-max=96), the mean of the sub-dimension “limiting the life of the aged” was 30.16 and the sub-dimension of negative ageism was 19.17. It has been determined that the mean age of the students was 20.77±2.59 (N=349) and that the mean age of the female students was lower than that of the male students. According to the findings from the study, the age and number of siblings have not been found correlated to scale score. Discussion: It has been found that the attitude scores of the participating students were positive. We used the AAS to see how their attitudes towards elderly people changed depending on their experiences. The AAS scale showed that older students and those with grandparent role models had better attitudes towards older adults.


Young; Aged; Attitude; Ageism; University Student; Prejudice; Aging

Corresponding Author: Ayşegül Koç,Yıldırım Beyazıt Üniversitesi, Halil Sezai Erkut Cd. Sazak Sk. No2 Keçiören, Ankara, Türkiye. T.: +90 3123241555/6257 GSM: +905467255868 E-Mail: aysegulkocmeister@gmail.com

How to Cite: Aysegul Koc, Rasime Yildirim, Maside Gurcu, Duygu Vefik Ulucay. Assessing Young University Students Behaviour Regarding Age Discrimination. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): 44-9.

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

Case Report

Failed Intubation Secondary to Congenital Subglottic Stenozis with Vacterl Association

Unal Yusuf1, Gungor Irfan1, Oncul Sema1, Karabulut Ramazan2

1 Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, 2 Department of Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.19


Congenital subglottic stenosis (CSS) is the third most common laryngeal anomaly. Difficult tracheal intubation in anesthesized patients is estimated to be 1-3%. Failed intubation rate is approximately 0.05-0.2%. We report a case of failed intubation in 2 day-old newborn with CSS and multiple congenital anomalies. Two day old male newborn was referred to our center due to anal atresia and associated anomalies. Facomelia, finger anomalia, subglottic stenosis, hydronephrosis, cardiac, anal atresia and sacral defect were present in our patient and these anomalies were matched with VACTERL association. We report a case of a failed intubation secondary to CSS and the successful use of LMA during failed intubation and tracheostomy for CSS patients. We thought that VACTERL association with the presence of congenital subglottic stenosis is a condition which is rare and LMA to be effective on failed intubation.


Congenital Subglottic Stenosis; Difficult Intubation; LMA

Corresponding Author: Yusuf Unal, Gazi Universitesi Tıp Fakultesi Anesteziyoloji ve Reanimasyon Anabilim Dalı, 3. Kat, 06500, Besevler, Ankara, Turkey. T.: +90 3122024166 F.: +90 3122447833 E-Mail: yunal71@yahoo.com, yunal@gazi.edu.tr

How to Cite: Yusuf Unal, Irfan Gungor, Sema Oncul, Ramazan Karabulut. Failed Intubation Secondary to Congenital Subglottic Stenozis with Vacterl Association. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): 56-8.

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

Review Article

Complicated Hydatid Cysts of The Lung

Mahmut Tokur1 , Ş. Mustafa Demiröz2 , Ali Çelik3

1 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Sütçü İmam University, Kahramanmaraş, 2 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Malatya Government Hospital, Malatya, 3 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.14


Cyst hydatid is an important parasitic disease mostly seen in countries labouring with agriculture and livestock, while are unsatisfied with enviromental health and preventitive medicine. Most frequent agents are echinococcus granulosus and echinococcus multilocularis [1,2]. While the most frequent sites of location are liver (60-70%) and lungs (%20-25), when embryos get into the systemic circulation this disease can locate in all organs and tissues (10%) including bone. The most frequent site of location in children is lungs[1,3,4]. Embryos can reach to the lungs by hemotagenos, lymphogenous, transdiaphragmatic ways and rarely by inhalation. Pulmonary hydatid cysts are 14-24% multiple and 75% bilateral. Frequently they are located in rigth side and lower lobes [3]. Huge cysts, perforated cysts, infected cysts, simultaneous pulmonary and hepatic cysts, fistulated cysts and atipically located cysts are named as complycated cysts.


Echinococcosis; Pulmonary; Complications; Surgery

Corresponding Author: Ali Çelik, Gazi Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi Göğüs Cerrahisi Uzmanı, Ankara, Türkiye. GSM: +905304045467 E-Mail: alicelik78@gmail.com

How to Cite: Mahmut Tokur, Sevki Demiroz, Ali Celik. Complicated Hydatid Cysts of The Lung. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): 59-63.

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

Letter to Editor

Experimental Cervical Esophageal Perforations in Rats

Özgür Karakurt, Bülent Koçer

Department of Thoracic Surgery, Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.23

To the editor:

We read with interest the paper by Çubuk et al. [1]. Thank the authors for sharing their experiences with us. Despite advances in the field of surgical technique, medical equipment, and patient care esophageal injuries still have high morbidity and mortality rates of up to 60 % [2] . The primary surgical repair of esophageal injury before 24 hours is a generally accepted approach in clinical practice [3]. Esophageal perforation model described in the article is created by surgical dissection, after exposing the cervical esophagus. This situation does not represent an iatrogenic injury to the cervical esophagus mostly by instrumentation in clinical status, where there is continued integrity of surrounding tissue. The localization of the perforation in esophageal wall after endoscopic procedures in the clinic practice is not classified as a prognostic factor. The difference between the anterior and lateral perforation groups in the study, is explained by support of trachea to anterior repaired area. A Study including a group followed up conservatively with esophageal perforation created without dissection of the cervical esophagus may be designed to guide clinical practice.


1.Çubuk S, Yücel O, Gözübüyük A, et al. Intraluminal Cervical Esophageal Perforations in Rats (Experimental Study). J Ann Eu Med 2013;1(1):4-9 2. Wright C. D. (Çağırıcı U., Turhan K.), Özofagus Perforasyonunun Tedavisi, Erişkin Göğüs Cerrahisi, İstanbul, Nobel Matbaacılık, s 353-360, 2011 3. Brinster CJ, Singhal S, Lee L,et al. Evolving Options in the Management of Esophageal Perforation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2004;77:1475–1483.

Corresponding Author: Özgür Karakurt, Ankara Numune Eğitim Araştırma Hastanesi Göğüs Cerrahi Kliniği, 9. Sokak 7/8 Emek, Ankara, Türkiye. GSM: +905305418774 E-Mail: ozgurkarakurt@gmail.com

How to Cite: Ozgur Karakurt, Bulent Kocer. Experimental Cervical Esophageal Perforations in Rats. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): DOI:10.4328/ECAM.23.

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/


ECAM in First Year

Mürüvvet Seda Balaban1 , Orhan Yücel2

1 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Hacettepe University, 2 Department of Thoracic Surgery, Gülhane Military Medical Academy, Ankara, Turkey

DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.22

Eurasian Clinical and Analytical Medicine (Avrasya Tıp Dergisi, ECAM), of Derman Medical Publishing’s is celebrating its first year. The increase in growth rapidity of ECAM is making us very excited. We will be more careful while establishing 2014 editorial board to be more comprehensive. A hard work was done to make the authors who sent article to our journal and who showed our journal as a reference until today, to be involved in our editorial board. We hope our journal will be more robust and active with new members of our editorial board. ECAM is going on to make proceed in success stairs with love of studying because it’s always decisive, objective, faithful to its principles and ethical issues. ECAM, seeing the best ones as its guides, is going to be as journals that are representatives of our country with honor. Our journal reached its target to edit the journals in 20 days and publish them in 10 days. Especially the objectivity of our editors in evaluating the articles was worthy of thank. We believe our journal will be stronger with your support and contributions. We thank you for supporting us as authors, editors, peer-reviewers and readers.

Corresponding Author: Orhan Yücel, Gulhane Military Medical Academy, Department of Thoracic Surgery, Ankara, Turkey. GSM: +905303042583 E-Mail: orhanycl@gmail.com

How to Cite: Orhan Yucel, Muruvvet Balaban. ECAM in First Year. Eu Clin Anal Med 2013;1(3): DOI: 10.4328/ECAM.22

 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of the license, visit https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/